Mayan ruins in Guatemala

Friday, March 28, 2014

My daughters nights

I am rocking while holding my daughter who is sound asleep.  This is rare because her mother is night duty 99 out of 100 nights.  Tonight though Opal for 4 hours kicked and screamed every time she was set down to sleep.  I was picking up her aunt from the airport only to return to a still crying baby.  I told my wife I will hold her until she falls back asleep.  

She has been for twenty minutes now but I can't set her down.  She may cry again, or not, I don't know.  I can't set her down because I don't know why she cried.  She needs something to be happy and to sleep.  I don't ever know what it is but she is sound asleep now so I will rock her until I can't any longer.  I can't set her down knowing she could be in some sort of ache or pain, or knowing she is scared to be alone tonight.  If I were either of those I would want to be held and loved, and I'm an adult...

As much as a baby can scream or fight you for any reason it's easiest to assume they are just being fussy or selfish, it takes caring and understanding to not let them rattle your cage and see they may be hurting. It takes true love to sacrifice your own self to keep then happy.  

My wife shows that true love every single night, and right now I understand why. Seeing her sweet face and hearing her calm breaths puts me in a place I can't describe, but I know I wouldn't be happier anywhere else in the world.

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